The Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) for the Division of Arts and Humanities and the Education Department was created to provide opportunities for collaborative and facilitative research in the arts, humanities, and education. Faculty mentors assist student SURE grant recipients during an intensive summer of creative and collaborative work.

Students selected for the SURE program receive a stipend, as well as campus housing and a meal card. Faculty mentors also receive a stipend and participate along with students in joint meetings with other SURE participants from across the College. In this manner, students and faculty participate in interdisciplinary conversations about new research and creativity. At the end of the program, students and faculty present their collaborative research or creative project during the annual Celebration of Scholars poster session, open to the entire Carthage community.

Application Deadline: Monday, March 24, 2025


The SURE committee seeks applications from students in their first through third year of study at Carthage and welcomes students from any of the majors offered by the Division of Arts and Humanities or the Education Department. Interested students should contact a faculty mentor before completing the SURE application.


The SURE program in the arts and humanities is designed to contribute in a meaningful way to the research and creativity of the student and the faculty mentor. A full-time commitment is expected of the student during the summer experience.


The selection process for this program is competitive. Each student must identify a faculty mentor prior to the submission of his or her application. The selection committee will consider only complete applications.

Review of Applications

Four faculty members from the division review all proposals. The review panel assesses the merits of each proposal using a rubric. The cumulative scores of the review panel, as well as the comments of the review panel, are used in determining the final selection. Successful applicants will be notified by email. Feedback for all candidates will be supplied by the dean of the division.

SURE in the Arts and Humanities + Education Student Application

Faculty Mentor Form

Award winners will be announced by Friday, April 11, 2025.


Any questions should be directed to Corinne Ness, Dean of the Arts and Humanities Division, at